Our Girls

Mountain Park Matilda Jane
ALAA: #123458
Breed: M. Australian Labradoodle
Date of Birth: 10/28/2022
Color: Apricot/Red
Size: Mini
Coat: Straight Fleece
SIRE: Vinton Valley Finn
DAM: Mountain Park Sylvie
Health Clearances
OFA CAER- 11/23,
All other testing: juvenile/incomplete

Rogue Valley Liv
ALAA: #119493
Breed: M. Australian Labradoodle
Date of Birth: 09/08/2021
Color: Chocolate and White Parti
Size: Mini
Coat: Wavy Fleece
SIRE: Mountain Park Eligible Bachelor
DAM: Rogue Valley's Have N Faith
Health Clearances
OFA Prelim Hips-Good, OFA Elbows-normal, DM/EIC, PRAprcd, DNA Profile, OFA CAER-9/22

Rogue Valley Freija
ALAA: #119514
Breed: M. Australian Labradoodle
Date of Birth: 06/01/2021
Color: Caramel Cream
Size: Mini
Coat: Wavy Fleece
SIRE: Mountain Park Eligible Bachelor
DAM: Rogue Valley's Belle of the Ball
Health Clearances
OFA Prelim Hips-Good, OFA Elbows-Normal, Pennhip .59/.57, Pawprint DNA Profile, EIC/DM/PRAprcd- all clear

Fairytale Lane's Lucia
ALAA: #119495
Breed: M. Australian Labradoodle
Date of Birth: 02/18/2020
Color: Black and tan phantom
Size: Mini
Coat: Curly/wavy fleece
SIRE: Canadian Doodle Copperhead
DAM: Blue Nova Jewels
Health Clearances
EIC/DM/PRAprcd clear, OFA Prelim Hips-Fair, OFA Elbows-Normal, OFA Eyes